Edward HAMMOND, Esq.

Edward HAMMOND, Esq.[1, 2, 3]

Male Abt 1550 - 1615  (~ 65 years)

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  • Name Edward HAMMOND 
    Suffix Esq. 
    Born Abt 1550  St. Albans Court, Nonington, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Died St. Albans Court, Nonington, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Buried 28 Oct 1615  Nonington, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    Person ID I1539  Young Kent Ancestors
    Last Modified 13 Jul 2013 

    Father Thomas HAMMOND, Esq.,   b. St. Albans Court, Nonnington, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. St. Albans Court, Nonnington, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Mother Alice MONYNGES,   b. of Waldershare, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Married Abt 1547 
    Family ID F527  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Katherine SHELLEY 
     1. Sir William HAMMOND,   b. 1579, St. Albans Court, Nonnington, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 19 Sep 1615, St. Albans Court, Nonnington, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 36 years)
     2. John HAMMOND
     3. Edward HAMMOND,   b. 1582
     4. Thomas HAMMOND,   c. 27 Nov 1583, Nonington, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location
     5. Francis HAMMOND
     6. Robert HAMMOND
     7. Elizabeth HAMMOND,   c. 14 Feb 1584/1593, Nonington, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location
     8. Mary HAMMOND
    Last Modified 20 Mar 2022 
    Family ID F525  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Sources 
    1. [S49] Visitation of Kent, 1572, p 129, 1592.

    2. [S99] Miscellaneous, Grant, 1 Jan 1607.
      Grant to Son - 1 January 1607 (4 James 1)
      "Edward Hammond’s grant to his Son John of £20 per annum for his life". Parties – Edward Hammond of St Albons Nonington Esquire (1) John Hammond of London, his Son (2). Parcels – One annyty or yearly rent of £20 issuing out of Edward Hammond’s Mannor of Guston Fleete in Ashe.

    3. [S78] Will, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), 20 Sep 1615.
      Will of Edward Hamond 20 Sept. 1615
      Will of Edward Hamond of Nonington, gentleman. To the poore of Nonington £3. To the poore of Chillenden 20 shillings. To daughter Mary Hamond £400 at marriage and £30 a year meanwhile, but if Marie shall marry a papist then £300 only. But if Mary die before marriage then the £400 given to the daughters of my sonne Sir William Hamond. To Edward Hamond second son of Sir William Hamond a house and garden in Eastry now leased unto Sir Roger Nevenson for 50 shillings per annum and 1 acre of land in Chillenden purchased of William Norton. Provided that if Anthony Hamond sonne and heire of Sir William Hamond will give to the aforesaid Edward Hamond 20 marks then said Anthony shall have the said acre. And if the aforesaid Edward Hamond shall dye without heires then said house and land to William Hamond, youngest sonne of Sir William Hamond. And if they both dye then to their sisters indifferently to be divided. To my brother William Hamond a ring worth 20 shillings with a death’s head graven on yt. To my sister Wailand a ring worth 20 shillings engraven with a death’s head. To my servant John Muns 40 shillings and to Edward Bridge 20 shillings if living at my decesse. Executors – my welbeloved sonne William Edward Hamonde of Nonington, gentleman and John Tayler of Chillenden, yeoman and now my ffarmer. And further concerning the disposition of all my mannors, lands, tenements, services and other heres not formerly limitted in parishes of Nonington, Ash, Goodneston, Chillenden, Word, Norborne and Sholden or elsewhere in Kent, all which present are already disposed by ffeoffment of trust unto Sir William Hamond and his heires male and for want of heires male unto my heires male as my appeare by writings signed sealed and delivered to that purpose. To sonne John Hammond an annuity of £20 signed, sealed and delivered unto his use before the passing away of my lands unto Sir William and his heires male for ever. To son Edward Hamond an annuity of £20 likewise reserved to him use before the sealing and passing away of my lands as formerly mentioned. To son ffrancis an annuity of £20 as formerly reserved unto his other brothers. To sonne John Hamond aforesaid six score pounds out of the Statute to be levyed with the Lord Lyles hath granted out of his lands to my sonne Edward. To sonne Edward nine score pounds out of the said Statute. And the other £200 to my Executor for the discharge of my legacies and debts. But if the Lord Lyle shall not pay this money then sonne John to be paid £120 out of my other goods and chattels. To Sonne ffrancis £10. To sonne Robert Hamond £100, but if he dye before receipt then to the children of my sonne Sir William Hamond deceased. To sonne Thomas £10 yearly during his life to be payable out of a part of testator’s goods and chattels, anything remaining of the goods appointed by the Executors for this purpose to be devided among the children of testator’s son Sir William Hamond deceased. If son Thomas offer to sell the annuity, then it shall cease and be void, and Executors may give him what they think fitt. To Executors £10 apiece for their labor and their charges. Residue of goods to the five youngest children of son Sir William deceased. 1615, 1 November – Will proved by son Edward Hamond.

    4. [S65] Archdeacon's Transcript, Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Nonington, Kent, England, LDS Film #1736928, 28 Oct 1615.
      This entry simply reads: "Edward Hamond householder". Consequently, in the absence of other information it is impossible to determine if this is Edward the father of Sir William, or not.