Family: Richard GREGORY / Dorathe PREBBELL (F1052)

m. 12 Feb 1737

Family Information

  • Richard GREGORYFather | Male
    Richard GREGORY

    Born  Abt 1710/1717   
    Married  12 Feb 1737  [1]  St. Martin, Canterbury, Kent, England  [1] Find all individuals with events at this location
    Other Spouse  Sarah RAINBOW | F4648 
    Married  27 May 1750  St. Mary Northgate, Canterbury, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location
    Father  Mr. GREGORY | F1067 Group Sheet 

    Dorathe PREBBELLMother | Female
    Dorathe PREBBELL

    Born  10 Dec 1716  St. Martin, Canterbury, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location
    Buried  30 Apr 1748  Ospringe, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location
    Father  Edward PREBBELL | F1068 Group Sheet 
    Mother  Mary WEBB | F1068 Group Sheet 

    Mary ✝ GREGORYChild 1 | Female
    Mary ✝ GREGORY

    Christened  30 Apr 1738  St. Martin, Canterbury, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location
    Buried  10 May 1738  St. Martin, Canterbury, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location

    Edward GREGORYChild 2 | Male
    Edward GREGORY

    Christened  9 Mar 1740  St. Martin, Canterbury, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location
    Buried  3 Mar 1791  Faversham, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location
    Spouse  Sarah JAMES | F1029 
    Married  2 Apr 1766  Faversham, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location

    Sarah GREGORYChild 3 | Female
    Sarah GREGORY

    Christened  29 May 1743  Ospringe, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location
    Spouse  Christopher Thomas SMITH | F1069 
    Married  22 Mar 1767  Faversham, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location

    Elizabeth ✝ GREGORYChild 4 | Female
    Elizabeth ✝ GREGORY

    Christened  11 May 1746  Ospringe, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location
    Buried  5 Dec 1748  Ospringe, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location

  • Sources 
    1. [S65] Archdeacon's Transcript, Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), LDS Film #1736587, St. Martin, Canterbury, 12 Feb 1737.