Abt 1721 - 1784 (~ 63 years)
Name |
Elizabeth IVYSON |
Born |
Abt 1715/1721 |
Gender |
Female |
Buried |
6 Jun 1784 |
Faversham, Kent, England [1] |
Person ID |
I3210 |
Young Kent Ancestors |
Last Modified |
28 Nov 2021 |
Family |
Matthew HERMAN, b. Abt 1709, bur. 19 Mar 1796, Faversham, Kent, England (Age ~ 87 years) |
Married |
3 Jul 1749 |
Faversham, Kent, England [2] |
Children |
| 1. Mary HERMAN, c. 12 Sep 1750, Preston-Faversham, Kent, England , bur. 11 Mar 1821, Faversham, Kent, England (Age ~ 70 years) |
| 2. John HERMAN, c. 22 Apr 1753, Preston-Faversham, Kent, England  |
| 3. Ann ^ HERMAN, c. 2 Nov 1755, Preston-Faversham, Kent, England , bur. 14 Sep 1761, Faversham, Kent, England (Age ~ 5 years) |
| 4. Sarah HERMAN, c. 5 Nov 1758, Preston-Faversham, Kent, England  |
| 5. Matthew HERMAN, c. 10 Oct 1761, Faversham, Kent, England  |
| 6. Elizabeth HERMAN, c. 11 Nov 1764, Faversham, Kent, England  |
| 7. Isaac ^ HERMAN, c. 5 Feb 1769, Faversham, Kent, England , bur. 25 May 1789, Faversham, Kent, England (Age ~ 20 years) |
Last Modified |
20 Mar 2022 |
Family ID |
F1185 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Notes |
- Absolutely nothing is known of Elizabeth Ivyson. Despite the fact that there are several Ivyson, Iverson and Iveson families at Faversham I have not been able to ascertain the christening of our Elizabeth Ivyson with any certainty. From the land tax assessments for Faversham it appears that there was one primary Iveson family headed by "widow" Iveson from approximately 1746 onwards. At that time Widow Iveson was shown as landlord of certain property in the town and it is interesting to note that as of 1748 her tenant became one John Herman. John Herman remained in that same property through to 1762. Given that Elizabeth Ivyson married Matthew Herman it is tempting to entertain the idea that Elizabeth had been "widow" Iveson's daughter and Matthew had been John Herman's son, brother or nephew. However, it is equally interesting to note that no assessment, as either landlord or tenant, appears in Faversham for Matthew Herman and his wife, Elizabeth (nee Ivyson). Did this couple live with a relative or did they occupy property that was outside the bailiwick of town assessments, such as manorial property.
Inasmuch as "widow" Iveson let her property out to rent, she occupied as tenant various properties around the town mostly on Court Street East and Abbey Street East from 1746 through 1762.
The estimated birth year of Elizabeth has been drawn from the birth year of her last child being 1769. If Elizabeth continued to have children up until her time of reliable fertility ceased, then she would have been approximately 48 or 49 years old in 1769. Hence the calculation of her birth year being circa 1721.
Iverson John Griffin Mary m 28 Dec 1712 both of Faversham - lic at Canterbury, St. Margaret
Iveson John Moor Mary m 18 Aug 1718 both of St. Dunstans after bans of marriage were there asked and no objection made, married at Blean
First name(s) Elizabeth
Last name Iverson
Birth year -
Baptism year 1722
Baptism date 29 Nov 1722
Place Canterbury, St Mary Northgate
Father's first name(s) William not the same person as the William Iverson who left a Will in 1720
Mother's first name(s) Mary
County Kent
Country England
Register year range 1719-1777
Archive Canterbury Cathedral Archives
Archive reference U3/103
DONE-Will Iverson William Faversham 1720 1720 PRC/17/85/14g PRC/16/376 IJ/4 1720
IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN, I, WILLIAM IVERSON, of the Town and Liberty of Faversham, in the County of Kent, Labourer, being sick in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory (praised be Almighty God therefore) do make, publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say)
First, I recommend my Soul to Almighty God in hopes of attaining life after death through the alone merits and mediation of my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ and my body I commit to the Earth to be decently interred in Christian burial at the discretion of my loving wife and Executrix hereinafter named and as for my worldly estate I give and dispose thereof as followeth (that is to say)
Item, I give and bequeath unto my son JOHN IVERSON all my wearing apparel both linen and woollen to be delivered to him by my Executrix within one week next after my decease.
Item, all the rest, residue and remainder of my goods, chattels, rights, credits, effects and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever after payment of my just debts, legacies, funeral and other incident charges and expenses in proving this my Will or otherwise I give and bequeath unto my loving wife ELIZABETH IVERSON and I do hereby make, nominate, constitute and appoint my said loving wife, ELIZABETH IVERSON, full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking, disannulling and making void all former and other Wills and Testaments and as for my real estate I give, devise and bequeath thereof as followeth (that is to say)
Item, I give, devise and bequeath unto my said loving wife, ELIZABETH IVERSON, for and during the full time and term of her natural life all that my small messuage or tenement with the backside, garden and hereditaments whatsoever thereunto belonging and appertaining which I lately purchased to me and my heirs of William Annis, Gent., deceased, situate lying and being in the Town and Liberty of Faversham in the said County of Kent on the west side of Preston Street there and now in my own occupation (she keeping and maintaining the same and every part thereof from time to time during the term aforesaid in good tenantable repair) and from and immediately after my said wife's decease I give, devise, I give, devise and bequeath my said messuage or tenement and premises and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtenances unto my said son, JOHN IVERSON, and unto my daughter, ELIZABETH IVERSON, and to their heirs and assigns forever equally to be divided between them.
In witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament contained in one sheet of paper set my hand and seal this eight and twentieth day of June in the sixth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the faith, etc. Anno Domini 1720.
William Iverson, his mark
WILLIAM IVERSON, the Testator, as and for his last Will
and Testament in the presence of us who at his request
and in his presence subscribed our names as witnesses
Thomas Peirce
Samuel Deal
Walter Jones
PROBATUM fuit huiusmodi antescriptum Testatur GULIELMI IVERSON nuper de Faversham infra Archinat Cant defuncti decimo septimo die Decembris Anno Domini 1720, coram viro Thomas Johnson Clico Surrto Venlis Viri Thomae Bouchier legum doctoris Reverendi Viri Dmi Archini Cantuar Offilis ltime constitut juramento ELIZABETHAE IVERSON viduae relcae dci defuncti et Executricis unicae in humoi testo noiat cui commissum fuit onus Executionis eiusdem testi de bene etc jurat.
Sources |
- [S65] Archdeacon's Transcript, Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), LDS Film #1751866, Faversham, 6 Jun 1784.
Although there is no direct evidence that this burial is of Elizabeth nee Ivyson, the lack of other Herman individuals in or around Faversham at that time would strongly suggest that it is so.
- [S65] Archdeacon's Transcript, Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), LDS Film #1751866, Faversham, 3 Jul 1749.