John ^ RUCK

John ^ RUCK[1]

Male Abt 1537 - 1591  (~ 54 years)

Personal Information    |    Notes    |    Sources    |    All

  • Name John ^ RUCK 
    Born Abt 1537 
    Gender Male 
    Buried 16 Jan 1591  Sheldwich, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    Person ID I5822  Young Kent Ancestors
    Last Modified 19 Mar 2021 

    Father John RUCK,   b. 1513,   bur. 15 Jul 1600, Sheldwich, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age ~ 87 years) 
    Mother Johan,   bur. 9 Jun 1561, Sheldwich, Kent, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Married Abt 1535 
    Family ID F1439  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Notes 
    • John died unmarried and left a Will.

      This is the Ruck fellow who owned Shepherd's Fostal in Sheldwich - see his Will whereby he bequeaths it to Nicholas Oliver.

      "SHEPHERDS FORSTAL is an estate in the north-east part of this parish, which takes its name from the green or fostal of that name near which it is situated, and was for many descents in the possession of the family of Ruck, one of whom lies buried at Rye, and was a person of some note in the reign of Henry VIII. being bow-bearer to that prince, and bore for his coat armour, as appears by his grave-stone, Sable, a plain cross, argent, between four fleurs de lis, or. The last of this name, who possessed this estate, was Nicholas Ruck, who about the latter end of queen Elizabeth's reign dying s. p. gave it to his nephew Mr. Nicholas Oliver, who soon after the death of Charles I. passed it away, with other estates in the adjoining parishes of Selling, to the president and fellows of Corpus Christi college, in Oxford, in whom it still continues vested." [Source: Citation:
      Hasted, Edward. 'Parishes: Sheldwich.' The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent: Volume 6. Canterbury: W Bristow, 1798. 481-498. British History Online. Web. 16 March 2016.]

  • Sources 
    1. [S78] Will, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Archdeaconry Court of Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), PRC/17/48/143 PRC/16/97 R/4-1591, 14 Apr 1591.

      IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN, the fifteenth day of January in the three and thirtieth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth [1590-91] by the grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, Queen, defender of the faith, etc., I, JOHN RUCKE, the younger son of JOHN RUCKE the elder of Shepherd's Forstall in the parish of Shelvidge within the County of Kent, yeoman, being sick of body yet of perfect mind and remembrance, do declare and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say,

      First, I give and bequeath my Soul into the hands of the [page folded missing a few words at end of line] my only Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ by whose death and passion I wretched sinner only hope to have everlasting life, and my body to be buried in such place and manner as unto my Executors shall seem good.

      Item, I will and bequeath to the poor people inhabiting within the said parish of Shelvidge the sum of three pounds of lawful money of England to be paid within four years next after my decease.

      Item, I will and bequeath to the poor people inhabiting within the parish of Boughton under the Blean the sum of twenty shillings of like lawful money of England to be paid within two years next after my decease.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my MOTHER RUCKE now wife of my said father JOHN RUCKE, one gold ring of the value of twenty shillings, and also twenty shillings of lawful English money.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my sister, GILLIAN GODDARD one gold ring of the value of ten shillings.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my sister, DORATHY SEWELL ALIAS SANDWELL, one gold ring of the value of twenty shillings.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my sister, MARGARET SWYNFORD, one gold ring of the value of ten shillings.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my brother, HAMON RUCKE, the sum of ten pounds of lawful money of England to be paid to him or his assigns within two years next after my decease.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my brother, BARTILLMEWE RUCKE, the like sum of ten pounds of lawful money of England to be paid to him at his full age of twenty-two years.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my brother, VALENTYNE RUCKE, the like sum of ten pounds of lawful money of England to be paid to him at his full age of twenty and one years.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my brother, GABRYELL RUCKE, the like sum of ten pounds, to be paid to him at his full age of twenty and one years.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my brother, THOMAS RUCKE, the like sum of ten pounds to be paid to him at his full age of twenty and one years.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my sister, HELENOR RUCKE, the like sum of te pounds to be paid to her or her assigns within two years next after my decease.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my sister, MARY RUCKE, the sum of nine pounds of lawful money of England to be paid to her at her full age of twenty and one years and one coverled now in the keeping of my cousin WILLIAM RUCKE's wife.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my sister, DIONIZE RUCKE the like sum of ten pounds to be paid to her at her full age of twenty and one years.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my brother in law RICHARD GODDARD the sum of five pounds of lawful money of England to be paid to him or his assigns within two years next after my decease. Also I do hereby give unto him the sum of three pounds, which at this point he is indebted unto me.

      Item, I will and give unto MICHAEL OLIVER son of THOMAS OLIVER the elder, my brother-in-law, the sum of ten pounds of lawful money of England o be paid to him or his assigns within two years next after my decease, and my bowl and my engraven dagger.

      Item, I will and give to THOMAS OLIVER son of the foresaid THOMAS OLIVER the elder, my brother-in-law, the like sum of ten pounds to be paid to him or his assigns within two years next after my decease.

      Item, I will and give to PETER OLIVER son of the foresaid THOMAS OLIVER the elder, the like sum of ten pounds to be paid to him or his assigns within two years next after my decease.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my cousin MARGARET SAWNDERS now wife of EDWARD SAWNDERS the younger, one gold ring of the value of ten shillings.

      Item, I will and bequeath to JOHN RUCKE, son of my brother WILLIAM RUCKE deceased, the sum of five pounds of lawful money of England to be paid to him at his full age of twenty and one years, and if it shall happen the said JOHN RUCKE son of the said WILLIAM RUCKE to decease before he shall accomplish his said full age of 21 years, then I will his said legacy of five pounds to be equally divided between his two sisters, vizt., MARGARET RUCKE and THOMAZYN RUCKE at their several ages of twenty and one years.

      Item, I will and bequeath further to the said MARGARET RUCKE and THOMAZYN RUCKE, and to every of them the sum of fifty shillings of lawful money of England, to be paid to every of them, at their said several ages of twenty and one years. And if it shall happen any of them the said MARGARET and THOMAZYN to decease before they or any of them shall accomplish their said several ages of twenty and one years; that then I will her said legacy so deceasing to be paid to the survivor of them at her said full age of twenty and one years.

      Item, I will and bequeath to RICHARD SEEWELL ALIAS SANDWELL, my godson, son of RICHARD SEEWELL ALIAS SANDWELL, my brother in law, the sum of ten pounds of lawful money of England to be paid to him at his full age of sixteen years, and also one gold ring of the value of twenty shillings to be then delivered unto him and not before.

      Item, I will and bequeath to THOMAS SWYNFORD son of ROBERT SWYNFORD, my brother in law, the sum of five pounds of lawful money of England, to be paid to him at his full age of twenty and one years. And if it shall happen the said THOMAS SWYNFORD to decease before he shall accomplish his said full age of 21 years, that then I will his said legacy of five pounds to his sister DORATHY SWYNFORD to be paid to her at her full age of twenty and one years.

      Item, I will and give further to the said DORATHY SWYNFORD the like sum of five pounds to be paid to her at her full age of twenty and one years. And if it shall happen the said DORATHY SWYNFORD to decease before she shall accomplish her full age of 21 years, that then I will and give her said legacy of five pounds to her said brother THOMAS SWYNFORD to be paid to him at his said full age of 21 years.

      Item, I will and give to EDWARD SAUNDERS son to the foresaid EDWARD SAUNDERS the younger of the parish of [left blank] within the Isle of Thanet, the sum of ten pounds of lawful money of England to be paid to him the said EDWARD at his full age of sixteen years. And if it shall happen the said EDWARD SAUNDERS to decease before he shall accomplish his said full age of sixteen years, that then I will his said legacy of ten pounds to the first child that shall be born next after the date of this my present Testament and last Will, of the body of the aforesaid MARGARET, now wife of the said EDWARD SAUNDERS the younger, whether it be male or female, to be paid to the said child so next to be born at his, or her full age of sixteen years.

      Item, I will and bequeath to ISABELL now wife of my cousin WILLIAM RUCKE of Boughton aforesaid, one gold ring of the value of ten shillings.

      Item, I will and bequeath to my cousin MATHEW RUCKE one piece of gold of the value of ten shillings.

      Item, I will and give unto JOHN RUCKE, son of my brother JEFFEREY RUCKE the sum of six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence of lawful money of England to be paid to him at his full age of sixteen years.

      Touching the disposition of all my lands, tenements, rents, annuities and hereditaments whatsoever which I now have or any one within this Realm of England, my will and mind is they shall be disposed in manner following, that is to say,

      First, I will and bequeath to my brother SYMON RUCKE and to his heirs forever all that my parcel or piece of pasture and woodland containing by estimation eleven acres more or less set, lying and being within the parish of Shelvidge aforesaid commonly known or called by the name of FRADHILL which I purchased of THOMAS UNCLE, to have and to hold the said piece of land with the appurtenances to my said brother SYMON RUCKE and to his heirs forever, upon condition that my said brother SYMON his Executors or assigns do pay at his or their own cost and charges that my legacy and debt next hereafter mentioned and ensuing amounting amongst themselves to the full sum of thirty five pounds six shillings and eight pence of lawful money of England, that is to say, to my foresaid brother, JEFFREY RUCKE, or his assigns within one year next after my decease, the sum of thirteen pounds six shillings and eight pence as a legacy hereby given by me. And unto MATHEW BUNCE of Throwley within the County aforesaid the sum of twenty two pounds which I do owe unto him to be paid upon my bond the day of the feast of All Saints next ensuing the day of the date of this my last Will and Testament.

      Provided always and my will and mind is that if my said brother, SYMON RUCKE, shall not accept of this my said legacy of the said parcel of land, or shall not pay the said two several sums of money last before rehearsed at his own costs and charges in manner aforesaid that then my will and mind is, and I do hereby will, devise and assign my cousin, MATHEW RUCKE, aforesaid to make sale of the said parcel of land with the appurtenances by an estate in fee simple to such person or persons as shall buy the same, and the money growing and arising of the said sale thereof to be employed towards the discharge and payment of the legacies mentioned in this my last Will and Testament, any gift or devise of the said premises before in this my said last Will expressed to the contrary in anywise notwithstanding.

      Item, I will, assign and bequeath to my aforesaid cousin, MICHAEL OLIVER, and to his heirs forever, all that my parcel of arable land having by estimation two acres be it more or less lying in Shelvidge aforesaid, and also all those yearly rents of assize and service extending amongst themselves to the sum of four pounds of lawful money of England, and ten hens by the year grazing all of divers lands and tenements in Shelvidge aforesaid, to go therewith the reversion and reversions of the premises, commons, feeding, pastures, woods and all the messuages, houses, buildings and gardens in or upon any the said premises, all which premises late were belonging unto the late house of hospital of Saint James of Pucksall, to have and to hold all and singular the before visited premises and every part and parcel thereof with all and singular their appurtenances to the said MICHAEL OLIVER his heirs and assigns forever together with all writings, conveyances and scripts and muniments whatsoever concerning the said premises in as ample, large and beneficial manner and to all intents and purposes as I the said JOHN RUCKE have bought and purchased the same to me and my heirs of Edward Norton, Gent. or should or ought ot have, hold and enjoy the same by any way or means whatsoever. Provided always, and my will and meaning is that the Executor of this my last Will and Testament or one of them shall for the term of twelve years next and immediately ensuing the day of my decease, yearly receive, levy, gather and take up towards the payment of divers my legacies before expressed, all and all manner the foresaid rents of assize and hens and all other yearly benefits and profits of the foresaid premises, and of every part and parcel thereof, and for non-payment thereof or any part thereof to take distress for the same, and the same to withhold and distrain until such time as there, or one of them shall be fully contented and satisfied of and for any such rents, service, or other the said yearly profits to be behind unpaid with the arrearage of the same if any be, in as ample and beneficial manner as if I myself were living and should do the same. And for that this my Will and meaning may the better be performed my will and mind is, that the said MICHAEL OLIVER before he shall take any benefit by this my last Will, shall enter into bond, or other good security to my said Executors, or to one of them; that they or one of them shall yearly receive and take up all the foresaid yearly rents, hens and other the said profits of the aforesaid premises for or by all the said term of twelve years without the let, hindrance and denial of the said MICHAEL OLIVER, his Executors or assigns, or any other person or persons by his means, assent, or procurement. Provided furthermore that if I the said JOHN RUCK shall decease before I shall be fully and absolutely seized of the foresaid lands, tenements, rents and hereditaments where I can not devise and give the same to the said MICHAEL and his heirs set, whereby the said MICHAEL, his heirs and assigns may lawfully, peaceably, and perfectly hold and enjoy the same be that my foresaid gift and devise that then I do hereby assign the said EDWARD NORTON, his heirs and assigns, or any other person having or claiming right estate or title from him or by his means of and in the said premises to give, grant, and set over all such right, title, claim, or estate as he or they yet have in him or themselves, to the said MICHAEL OLIVER, his heirs or assigns, to have and to hold the said lands, tenements, tents and hereditaments with all and singular their appurtenances to the said MICHAEL OLIVER, his heirs and assigns for ever in as ample and beneficial manner as if I had been living, and should have had, and anyone the same.

      Item, I will and give to my cousin MATHEWE RUCKE aforesaid, and to my said brother SYMON RUCKE and to their heirs forever all that my annuity or rent charge of seven pounds of lawful money of England yearly issuing and going out of all that messuage or tenement called Northlee with other lands, tenements and hereditaments lying and being in the parish of Elmsted or elsewhere within the said County of Kent with six messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments, are the messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments of HAMON BETT of Elmsted aforesaid, yeoman, according to the tenure of one deed Indenture made out to me the said JOHN RUCKE, by the said HAMON BETT of and for the assurance of the said annuity or rent charge of 7 pounds yearly, as by the same deed indenture more as large may appears to have and to hold the said annuity or rent charge of 7 pounds yearly to the said MATHEW RUCKE and SYMON RUCKE and to their heirs forever. Provided always, and my mind and will is that my said cousin, MATHEWE RUCKE, and my said brother SYMON RUCKE, their Executors or assigns in consideration of that my said legacy of the said annuity or rent charge of 7 pounds yearly to them and their heirs bequeath shall at their own proper costs and charges pay towards the discharge and payment of the legacies declared in this my last Will and Testament the sum of threescore and ten pounds of lawful money of England within three years next after my decease if the said HAMON BETT, his heirs or assigns shall not redeem the said annuity according to the tenure and purposes of the foresaid deed Indented.

      The residue of all my goods and chattels unbequeathed (my debts, legacies and funerals discharged) I give wholly and fully to the aforesaid MATHEWE RUCKE and SYMON RUCKE, and I also ordain and make the said MATHEWE RUCKE, my cousin, and the said SYMON RUCKE, my brother Executors of this my Testament and last Will.

      And in witness that this is my true last Will and Testament, I the said JOHN RUCKE, the younger, have to every sheet of paper of the said last Will (being four in number), set my hand and seal the day and year first above written. 1590.

      John Rucke the younger by his marke.

      Published, signed and sealed by the aforesaid JOHN RUCKE,
      the younger, as his last Will and Testament in the presence
      of us witnesses, vizt.
      William Ruck by his mark
      and Richard Rucke [signed]
      Witnesseseth John Ruck the elder father of the Testator his marke

      Probatum fuit testimentum huismodi coram venerabilis Domini viro
      Stephan Lake legum doctore officialis etc. 4the Aprilis 1591 juramentis
      WILLIAMIMUS RUCKE, RICHI RUCKE ET JOHANNIS RUCKE testim etc. ac approbatum ec ommisquam p[next two words illegible] commissquam est executoribus in huismodi testamento noiatis primitus in forme juris jurimentus, etc.

      A Codicil

      The said 15th day of January in the foresaid 33rd year of the reign of our most gracious sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth etc.. the foresaid JOHN RUCKE the younger of Sheldvidge within the County of Kent, yeoman, having the said day and year declared and published in writing his last Will and Testament, and the same signed and sealed in the presents of us, William Rucke and Richard Rucke, witnesses thereunto, did in one half hour next after the signing and sealing of his last Will being then of perfect mind and memory declared, ordained and make these presents following to be a part and parcel of his said last Will, vizt., that is to say,

      The will and mind of me the foresaid JOHN RUCKE is that if it shall happen any one of my brothers and sisters to whom any legacies or legacy is given by my said last Will to die or decease before their several ages of twenty and one years that then I will and bequeath his or her said legacy so ding or deceasing to MATHEW RUCKE and SYMON RUCKE, Executors of my said last Will.

      And further my like will and mind is that if it shall happen RICHARD SEWELL ALS SANDWELL, or JOHN RUCKE, the son of my brother JEFFERY RUCKE to die or decease before any their several ages or age of sixteen years limited in my said last Will for receipt of their several legacies to them by me bequeathed that then I will and bequeath the said legacy of any or every of them so dying or deceasing to the said MATHEW RUCKE and SYMON RUCKE, Executors of my said last Will.

      IN WITNESS WHEREOF we the said WILLIAM RUCKE and RICHARD RUCKE then present as true witnesses thereof have hereunto set our hands

      Anno domini viz 14th Aprilis regi... domini officialis predicte huismodi Codcillus probatus fuit mratis WILLIAM RUCKE et RICHARD RUCKE testin etc ac approbatus et [next two words atrocious writing] parle testimenti JOHANNIS RUCKE [remainder of 4 words rendered illegible by penmanship]

      With Codicil

    2. [S34] Parish Register, England, Kent: Church of England, Canterbury Cathedral Archives, (U.S.A., Salt Lake City: Genealogical Society of Utah), Sheldwich, Kent, England, LDS Film #2354740, 16 Jan 1591.
      burial entry reads John Ruck, junior. This is also borne out by the Will of John Ruck Sr., who indicates that his son is dead at the time of his making the Will.